
Depleting Sources of Freshwater

Is the water crisis a myth or a fact of life? With increasing population and rising temperatures, fresh water sources are under tremendous pressure. About 97% of the water on planet earth is salt water and that leaves us with about 3% of freshwater out of which only around 1 or 2% is fit for human consumption. With increasing population and rising temperatures, fresh water sources are under tremendous pressure. There are many factors that have served to create this water crisis. It would not be erroneous to say that the impending water crisis is largely manmade. Climate change due to global warming has affected almost all the countries. Rivers and lakes, the primary sources of freshwater, have run dry in many parts of the world. Although it is a renewable resource because of the hydrological cycle, the store   of freshwater on earth is not infinite. Water once consumed cannot be replenished, unless it is recycled. Global warming has led to droughts around the globe. Dry spells are ramp

How to Improve Your Child's Balance

Kids are experts at falling down. Whether playing their favorite sport or just walking across the room, kids regularly reacquaint themselves with the wonders of gravity. However, with the right training, even the goofiest kids can improve their balance and coordination, which can help them in sports and daily activities. Here are four fun exercises that can help your child improve his balance and learn to better master his body. Stand on One Foot Standing on one foot is a basic balancing skill, but not every kid will be able to master it immediately. If your child is having trouble with this, start by having him first stand one foot while keeping the other on a stool. As he improves, replace the stool with a ball. Be sure to do this with both legs. Make a game out of it. See how long he can balance on each leg, and then have him try it with his eyes closed. Play Hopscotch Hopscotch is a classic activity, and for good reason. It's great for developing balance and kids love it. For a

solar energy can also cause climate change

  Large solar arrays could have some surprising side effects, according to a new study, including causing changes in the local climate. On a global scale, these changes will be minor compared to what would happen if humans continue to burn fossil fuel for energy instead, but are still worth watching, scientists say. Figuring out how renewable energy sources will affect their local landscapes is an increasingly relevant challenge for scientists, as more and more nations are vowing to slash their carbon outputs and switch to alternatives, such as solar and wind energy. Previous studies have shown that both solar arrays and wind farms have the potential to cause regional changes in temperature and precipitation by altering the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth or disrupting local airflow patterns. With this in mind, Aixue Hu, a climate change research scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, conducted a study, published Monday in Nature Climate Change, that

Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is a religion in exile, forced from its homeland when Tibet was conquered by the Chinese. At one time it was thought that 1 in 6 Tibetan men were Buddhist monks. The best known face of Tibetan Buddhism is the Dalai Lama, who has lived in exile in India since he fled Chinese occupation of his country in 1959. Tibetan Buddhism combines the essential teachings of Mahayana Buddhism with Tantric and Shamanic, and material from an ancient Tibetan religion called Bon. Although Tibetan Buddhism is often thought to be identical with Vajrayana Buddhism, they are not identical - Vajrayana is taught in Tibetan Buddhism together with the other vehicles. History Buddhism became a major presence in Tibet towards the end of the 8th century CE. It was brought from India at the invitation of the Tibetan king, Trisong Detsen, who invited two Buddhist masters to Tibet and had important Buddhist texts translated into Tibetan. First to come was Shantarakshita, abbot of Nalanda in India, who


The endlessly fascinating history of the Maya is a constant draw for travelers to Mexico. Who could resist the grand pyramids, the ancient temples, or the stories of human sacrifice and war? But who were the ancient Maya? And what happened to their once-mighty ancient civilization? Read through this brief history of the ancient Maya to learn the basics of this captivating civilization. Who were the ancient Maya? Although the term “Maya empire” is still sometimes used, the civilization actually consisted of separate city-states, ruled individually from each other. These stood in modern-day Mexico´s Yucatan Peninsula and parts of Chiapas and Tabasco plus Guatemala, Belize, sections of Honduras, and parts of El Salvador. No one government or royalty ruled over these city-states. Instead, they were connected by shared languages, religion, fashion, and behavior – although differences can be seen from city-state to city-state.   History of the Maya: In Brief The earliest Maya communities sta

Differences Between Temples And Shrines

  The Difference between Temples and Shrines in Japan Temples and shrines  are two of the most common historical buildings you will find while visiting Japan. But how do you tell the difference between the two? In the simplest terms,  temples are Buddhist , while  shrines are Shinto . Temples have a large incense burner and many Buddhist statues, and may or may not have a graveyard attached to them, while shrines have a large, often vermilion red, torii, or sacred gate, standing in front of them. How do Buddhism and Shintoism Differ? Buddhism was originally brought from India to China, then brought and spread throughout Japan during the Heian era. On the other hand, Shintoism originated in ancient Japan. The idea of Shintoism is that there are thousands of different kinds of Gods in this world, such as mountains, rivers, stones, and trees. It is said that there are eight million gods in Japan, although this figure is intended to mean that there are an infinite number of gods and goddes